Section 38 Agreement
Where, as part of a development, it is proposed to construct a new estate road for residential, industrial or general purpose traffic the normal legal means by which the road becomes a public highway is via an agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980.
Once the new estate road construction has been completed and has satisfactorily attained its provisional maintenance period (usually one year from opening for public use) it is adopted by the Local Highway Authority as a public highway. “Adoption” means that the Local Highway Authority takes over all future responsibility for the highway works and that it becomes part of the public highway with all inferred rights.
We negotiate Section 38 Agreements with the Local Highway Authority’s engineer on behalf of our Clients, plans showing all elements of construction and specifications are provided. These plans and details will be of the same type as those required for highway improvement works under a Section 278 Agreement. Similarly a bond will be required between the developer and the Local Highway Authority to ensure that the proposed works can be satisfactorily completed in the event of any default or unforeseen occurrence.
Local Authority engineers will inspect the work on site at key construction phases and we are often involved in general setting out and day to day site supervision. Work would be expected to be subject to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM 2015).
What Our Clients Say:
Swept Path Analysis and Visibility Drawing incorporated into a Technical Note, Proposed Residential Dwelling, Colchester.
Highway Statement, Proposed Residential Development, Stockport
Transport Assessment, Proposed Residential Development (170 dwellings), Essex
Speed Survey, Proposed Private Residential Development – Testimonial
Access Feasibility Study, Proposed Private Residential Development – Testimonial
Analysis of Speed Survey and Swept Path Analysis
Stage 2 Road Safety Audit, Residential, Staffordshire
Construction Traffic Management Plan
Flood Risk Assessment, Testimonial, Industrial Development, Sheffield
Travel Plan
Require Assistance with Detailed Design?
Sanderson Associates have enjoyed over 37 years in business, our experienced Highway Detailed Design Engineers have produced designs for a variety of developments throughout the UK, Isle of Man and Ireland.
We would be pleased to provide you with our competitive fee proposal to provide you with our Detailed Design Services, please call us on 01924 844080 or click here to complete our secure online form.